1000 Series
offers the highest resolution of any lightweight portable Eddy Current
flaw detector. Features such as multiple scanner support, single or dual
frequency, digital conductivity and non-conductive coating measurement
make the Nortec® 1000 series a leader in the industry. Its innovative
design features an uncluttered keypad, and SmartKnob™, making it
extremely simple and intuitive to train on and to operate.
WorkStation. A semi-portable Eddy Current flaw detector for field or lab
environments. The Nortec® WorkStation and its Eddy Current performance
is, by design, superior to any other Eddy Current flaw detector made
today. Whether you require a general-purpose flaw detector, ability to
run a rotating scanner, or dual frequency, Olympus NDT can and will
deliver. The unique capability of the Nortec® WorkStation allows for
interchangeability of front-end driver/receivers by the customer,
through a distinctive open/close trunk design. No longer will you be
forced to compromise your testing requirement due to technology
obsolescence or new applications.
is a multi-channel, multi-discipline flaw detector. 1-4 Eddy Current
channels. Whether you require a general-purpose flaw detector, or a
specific type of driver/receiver for a given application, Olympus NDT
can and will deliver. The unique capability of the PowerStation allows
for interchangeability of front-end driver/receivers by the customer,
through a distinctive open/close trunk design. No longer will you be
forced to compromise your testing requirement due to technology
obsolescence or new applications.
Rotating Scanners
Scanner Family- The following five Eddy
Current rotating scanners are available: MiniMite, Spitfire 2000,
RA-2000, PS-5AL and PS-4. All scanners work with the Nortec® 2000S
series, Nortec® WorkStation and PowerStation.
eddy current probes are designed and manufactured by
Olympus NDT in Kennewick, WA. There is a dedicated staff of probe
engineers available to help you with your probe requirements -
particularly if you require a product that must be specially engineered
to your application. Optimal performance in your eddy current test is
insured by selecting the right type of probe and one that is
meticulously made. In addition to coil size and frequency, the physical
shape of a probe contributes to a successful test. Flaw location and
part geometry determine whether a standard probe can be used or if a
custom design is needed.
contact Envirocoustics for the full list of Eddy Current equipment.