Ultrasonic PC Boards


Envirocoustics offers a variety of state-of-the-art UT boards (Analog/Digital AD Boards and Pulse/Receive PR boards) which can be fitted into any PC and convert it to a powerful UT system, with the appropriate software (UltraWin). The AD boards can be used separately as a custom Data Acquisition system as the boards can be supplied with Lab View software and drivers so that customers can develop their own acquisition system for specialized uses. Typical applications are:

  • Very Powerful Flaw detectors (when on portable PC)

  • Ultrasonic Imaging

  • Spectral Analysis

  • Transient Analysis

  • FFT Analysis

  • Digital Oscilloscope

  • Laboratory Automation

  • Audio

  • Video


P/R Module for AD-100

100 MHz 12-bit UT Digitizer


AD-100 Ultrasonic Board
The AD-100 board with the IPR module installed making it a one card AD-IPR UT system.

  • Full Length PCI Board

  • 12-bit, 100 MHz ADC

  • 30 MHz Bandwidth

  • 1 MB Waveform Buffer

  • 0-40 dB Gain

  • 0.5 MHz& 2 MHz High Pass Filter

  • 30 MHz, 10 MHz Low Pass Filter

  • Optional Distance Amplitude Correction

  • Optional Time Of Flight and Peak Amplitude

  • Optional P/R Module makes an IPR-AD

IPR-AD Features

  • 30 MHz Bandwidth

  • -20 to 80 dB gain in 0.1 dB steps

  • 6 Selectable High Pass Filters at 0.5, 2.0, 6.0, 8.0, 12.5, 22.5 MHz

  • 6 Selectable Low Pass Filters at 2.0, 6.0, 7.5, 12.5, 17.5, 30 MHz

Optional P/R Module for AD-100
Converts AD-100 to an IPR-AD
Includes Low Noise Receiver & Spike Pulser



  • Programmable Voltage 50 - 300 Volts

  • < 10 nsec Rise Time

  • Programmable Energy - 2 levels

  • Programmable Damping - 4 levels

  • Programmable Pulse Width

  • Up to 10, 000 pulses per second

  • Option for 400 volt with < 5 nsec Rise Time



2 GHz AD Converter

Pulser / Receiver

AD-500 A/D Converter

  • Sampling rates up to 2 GHz for repetitive signals (500 MHz base conversion rate)

  • On board DSP with real time feature extraction

  • 8-bit linear resolution

  • Up to 100 MHz bandwidth

IPR-100 Ultrasonic Pulser / Receiver

  • 0.1 to 35 MHz frequency range

  • Software controlled pulser and receiver parameters

  • 90 dB dynamic range receiver

  • Up to 400 Vdc spike pulser at 5nS

  • Internal/external triggering