Σειρά Ανιχνευτών Ατελειών με Υπερήχους Sonic 1000S / 1200S


The Sonic® 1000S/1200S Series offers the highest ultrasonic resolution of any lightweight portable ultrasonic flaw detector. It's innovative design features an uncluttered keypad, and Smartknob™, making it extremely simple and intuitive to train on and to operate.

The new Sonic® 1000S+ / 1200S+ has all of the features of the standard Sonic 1000S / 1200S, PLUS they operate with the latest color LCD display module, provide VGA output with color display, and is configured with a single 6. 6AH Li-Ion battery for a total weight of less than 4 pounds!


PowerLink™ technology provides automatic sensor recognition and simplified set up. Another feature is the first customer-interchangeable displays. This display provides optimum screen intensity in any lighting condition, EL (electroluminescent) for low light, monochrome LCD (liquid crystal display) for bright or outdoor lighting and the new color LCD for the "+" series of instruments. The instruments weigh less than 6 lbs., and can be run on AC, Ni-MH batteries, or Li-Ion batteries. Windows-based software - FlawMaster - for storage and transfer of data is available.

  • Customer - interchangeable displays: Hi-Brite Electroluminescent (EL), monochrome LCD, color LCD

  • Pulser-type: square wave. 150/300V selectable

  • Bandwidth: 0.3 to 20MHz

  • Tuning range: 1MHz, 2.25MHZ, 5 MHz, 10 MHZ Wideband (0.3 - 20MHz)

  • Highpass (0.3 - 20 MHz)

  • Gates: Two flaw gates with peak amplitude of gated signals

  • Rep Rate: 50Hz-3450Hz, 50 Hz increments

  • Range: .048" - 296" at steel velocity

  • Program storage: up to 100 set ups

  • A-scan storage: up to 100 A-scans

  • Thickness gauge: E-E of IP-1st (manual or auto), peak or edge trigger. Trig Calculations.

  • Peak hold with active echo

  • Update rate: 60HZ

  • DAC with 25 operator selected segments

  • Data logger: up to 5000 measurements

  • Reference memory

  • RF thickness gauging and flaw detection

  • RS-232 interface

  • PowerLink™ technology

  • SmartKnob™ control

  • Weight: 3-6 pounds depending on battery configuration

  • Battery choice: dual Ni-MH, single Li-Ion, or D cell

  • B-Scan option is available




Sonic HR - for thin wall measurements down to 0.0050". Additional 15MHz narrow band amplifier selection, pulse tuning down to 15ns, high resolution receiver.

The Sonic 1000HR / 1200HR has the same specifications as the Sonic 1000S/1200S, with features added especially the testing of thin materials.

  • Thickness measurement to 0.0050"

  • Thickness resolution to 0.0002"

  • Accuracy: ± 0.0010"

  • 0.050" - 300" screen range

  • 15 MHz narrow band amplifier

  • RF or Video thickness gauging

  • Variable rep rate control

  • Square wave pulser, control down to 15ns

  • Automatic High Resolution receiver activation below 1.155" screen range


Sonic Prove-Up - for petrochemical pipe inspection. Designed for API flaw sizing technique.

Technical specifications are the same as the Sonic® 1000S/1200S Series. The Sonic® Prove-Up evolved for petrochemical pipe inspection and API flaw sizing technique. Allows for velocity control without changing echoes on screen. Live and peak display, live and peak percent of screen height.