Multichannel Acoustic Emission Systems



2 channel, 18 bit, 40 MS/sec, high speed, low noise, low cost, wide frequency band, 2 parametric inputs AE PCI card.

Ideal for research and applications where high speed, low noise, low cost, high resolution wide frequency band are required.



4 channel, 16 bit, 10 MS/sec, low noise, 8 parametric inputs (on first card of a system), DSP chip embedded AE PCI card.

Ideal for research and applications where high speed, low noise, varied testing purposes and more number of channels are required.



8 channel, 16 bit, 1 MS/sec, low power, low cost, two parametric inputs AE PCI card.

Ideal for applications where low cost, low frequency band, more number of channels are required.



Portable 4 -  8 channel battery (optional) and notebook operated micro-chassis AE system containing the PCI/DSP-4 cards.

Ideal for research and field applications where high speed, low noise, varied testing purposes, light weight and small pack system are required.



Portable 8 -  24 channel battery (optional) and notebook operated micro-chassis AE system containing the PCI-8 cards.

Ideal for field applications where low cost, low frequency band, light weight, small pack and more number of channels are required.






4 - 16 channel bench top AE system containing the PCI/DSP-4 cards.

Ideal for research and applications where high speed, low noise, varied testing purposes are required.



4 - 24 channel compact chassis AE system containing the PCI/DSP-4 cards.

Ideal for research and field applications where high speed, low noise, varied testing purposes, compact size are required.



4 - 56 channel rugged chassis AE system containing the PCI/DSP-4 cards.

Ideal for research and applications where high speed, low noise, varied testing purposes and large number of channels are required.



32 channel bench top AE system containing the PCI-8 cards.

Ideal for applications where low cost, low frequency band, large number of channels are required.



48 channel compact chassis AE system containing the PCI-8 cards.

Ideal for applications where low cost, low frequency band, compact size, large number of channels are required.



64 channel rugged size AE system containing the PCI-8 cards.

Ideal for applications where low cost, low frequency band, compact size, large number of channels are required.



DiSP Acoustic Emission SystemDiSP (Digital SPARTAN)

Parallel processing AE architecture on a standard PCI card.

  • A complete four-channel hardware is built in one PCI bus card which can be directly plugged into customers' PC, nï other signal conditioner is needed

  • One card features four ÁÅ channels, eight parametric input channels and one cycle counter

  • Fully digital with 16 bit Á/D and 10 MHz sampling rate for each channel
    simultaneous ÁÅ waveform capture and feature extraction

  • On-board auto-sensor testing feature for each channel

  • On-board DSP chip enhancing the speed of ÁÅ processing

  • Multichannel expansion õñ to 260 channels

  • Remotely controllable through the network

  • A 19" industrial chassis holds õñ to 52 ÁÅ channels




MISTRAS 2001 (Massively Instrumented Sensor Technology for Received Acoustic Signals)

MISTRAS 2001 Acoustic Emission SystemParallel processing AE architecture for 2-256 channels.

Main Features of AEDSP-32/16B card for MISTRAS 2001

  • High-speed and high-resolution.

  • 10 MHz sampling per channel (20 MHz optional).

  • 16-bit A/D with low noise (<18 dB threshold).

  • >15.000 Hits/sec (increased feature set).

  • Digital waveform collection.

  • DSP-32bit (40 MFLOPS) digital power

  • CPU selectable 15 filters /channel.




PAC's AE software for the above systems provides unprecedented acquisition and data processing rates to screen and disk.

Main Features

  • 32-bit WindowsTM type high speed software. Full mouse functionality.

  • 2D & 3D AE graphical visualization, location plots, waveforms.

  • User-defined AE signatures for waveform capture.

  • Multiple location algorithms, plus arbitrary placement, clustering (graphical filtering).

  • Auto-Sensor Testing (AST).

  • Multiple Graph Screens (1-12 graphs/screen).

  • Upward compatibility with industry software standards.

  • Optional remote control via modem or network.

Typical Real-Time Graphs